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Condiciones y terminos generales

Consumer – A user (private or business) of our ticket shops with the intent to buy e-tickets.
Seller – Business that wishes to sell or distribute e-tickets for an Event.
Event – An event that is registered in our system for ticket sales.
Venue – Location where Event takes place.

1.1 Link2Ticket offers tickets for sale on its ticket shops on behalf of Seller as a commercial agent (intermediary) but is not itself part of the agreement between Seller and Consumer.
1.2 The general terms & conditions of the Event and Venue are applicable to this agreement.
1.2 The Seller is the designated contact for all requests, complaints, refunds and any further information concerning Event.
1.3 Without a valid ticket admission to the Event is not guaranteed.
1.4 A ticket is valid for single use and will provide admission to the first person that presents it at the Venue entrance. The Consumer is responsible for keeping ticket information to himself and thus preventing a third party to use the ticket unintentionally.

2. Ticket shop usage
2.1 Tickets are delivered by e-mail, and if requested, also by SMS to Consumer. Consumer is expected to have an operational e-mail account or a smartphone with SMS and internet capability.
2.2 All sales are final.
2.3 All Event information displayed in the ticket shops are supplied by Seller. Link2Ticket cannot guarantee the correctness of this information and cannot be held responsible for any incorrect information given.
2.4 Consumers will be notified of cancellations or changes concerning the Event by the Seller and is not the responsibility of Link2Ticket.
2.5 When not explicitly mentioned, all prices are including Sales Tax.
2.6 Tickets are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for other tickets.

3. Refunds
3.1 Tickets will not be refunded by Link2Ticket, except in case of technical failures in the ticket shop that caused a mistake in the order.
3.2 In case Seller wants to refund tickets to Consumer, the refund will take place directly between Seller and Consumer. 

4. Privacy
4.1 Link2Ticket does not use any Consumer personal data for other purposes than identification for customer service purposes.
4.2 Where Consumer has opted-in, Seller will be allowed to use Consumer information to promote future events.
4.3 All personal information submitted during the order process will be supplied to Seller.
4.4 Bank account and credit card information is only used for refunds by Link2Ticket and Seller.

5. Liability
5.1 Link2Ticket will not be liable for erroneous information on its website.
5.2 Seller will be liable for all costs incurred when Seller does not perform according to the agreement between Seller and Consumer.
5.3 Link2Ticket will not be liable for damage, direct or indirect, material or non-material as a consequence of the usage of its ticket service.

6. Legal procedures
6.1 Dutch law will apply on all agreements with Link2Ticket. De district court of Amsterdam will be assigned in case of any legal procedures.

Link2Ticket is a trademark of Link2Ticket BV, located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.